Kimberly Aultman 

NETS-T Standards

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
I feel it is highly important for teachers to use their knowledge and expertise to promote creative learning environments for children, allowing for individual thought and inventive learning. Teachers can promote learning through the use of real-world situations in which students can collaboratively problem-solve solutions. For example, if I have a student that is struggling to learn a math concept, I would attempt to approach the concept from a different perspective, using his interests to problem-solve the situation. If he likes basketball, we could go out onto the court and diagram geometrical patterns, calculate distances, speed, velocity, etc. Perhaps the student is interested in music, I would find ways of engaging the student through electronic media or other hands-on experiences to relate music to the concept I am trying to teach.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
It is important for teachers to develop learning experiences that engage students with a variety of learning styles. Some students are auditory learners, while others are tactile or visual learners. Alternative technology is a tool for addressing a variety of learning styles. On a personal note, I have trouble with most online classroom environments because I am not only a visual learner, but I am also a tactile learner. I need to see, touch, hear, and manipulate learning materials in a variety of contexts in order to get the information into my long-term memory. For example, I do well in online courses that provide short videos (under 3 minutes), word puzzles, music clips, short face-to-face discussions, documents that are easily printable (so I can make notes in the margins, doodle on the page, segment the reading, etc…), diagrams, charts, and graphs--all presented in a language that I understand (sometimes instructors use too much jargon and “professional” verbiage that impedes learning for some students). Learning modules should also include a variety of self-assessment tools that allow students to track their progress and receive feedback from the instructor.

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
We live in and work in a digital world. It is no longer acceptable to be technologically ignorant. Technology is constantly changing the way we work, think, learn, and communicate. With ever-changing technology, teachers have a responsibility to their students to keep up-to-date on new technologies and digital tools that support student success and learning. Modeling a variety of digital technologies in the classroom will help teachers facilitate learning in and out of the classroom while providing alternate means of learning mechanisms that accomodate all styles of learning.

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
When using digital technology, it is important for teachers to address the issue of legal and ethical behavior in regards to use of information obtain through technological resources. Teachers must advocate and model documentation of digital sources, including music, videos, and other digital media used to facilitate learning. When using discussion forums, teachers must address and model proper etiquette and respectful social interactions.

5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Because technology is constantly evolving around us, teachers must dedicate time to professional growth. There are a number of ways teachers can continue their own education and knowledge base including participation in local support forums, researching current technologies and applying them to learning environments, participating in decision making and community building, and/or creating new programs to inform other learners of advancement of technologies in the learning environment.

For more information, visit the ISTE NETS-T website: